Preserving our planet

PDL: 15 years of commitment to sustainable development

Our mission: to produce cigarette paper in a way that uses fewer natural resources and reduces greenhouse gases emissions, and as a result, to offer outstanding products that meet the tobacco industry’s and its customer’s needs.
It is essential to PDL to place environmental and sustainability concerns in the heart of our production process. Over the past 15 years, we have worked to obtain various certifications to demonstrate the origin of our raw material supplies and to ensure that our manufacturing process and our equipment tend towards the most rigorous standards in term of environmental management.

An environmental pioneer

Used as an example by others in the field of sustainable development, PDL reinforced its status as a pioneer by becoming one of the first cigarette paper manufacturers to:

We are committed to:

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by controlling the origins of our paper pulp. As one of the first cigarette paper manufacturers to receive FSC® certification in 2005, PDL adopted a ‘green’ procurement policy, opting to purchase supplies from certified forests, to ensure sustainable environmental management.

papier à cigarette RYO

by using eco-design strategies from the paper development stage onwards. Acting from the design stage is the most effective and important way to improve the environmental profile of the product.

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by reducing the amount of pollutants discharged into our waters and recycling our solid waste using modern, innovative treatment plants.